Blogs > Liberty and Power > Words on Little Brother

Jun 25, 2008

Words on Little Brother

I highly recommend listening to this new interview with Cory Doctorow, author of the"must read" Little Brother (which I recommended here). In this interview Doctorow talks about the Department of Homeland Security, CCTV, Creative Commons licenses, and his inspiration for Little Brother.

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Craig J Bolton - 6/25/2008

Little Brother is the best anti-authoritarian novel of the 21st Century. Although it is sometimes juvenile in its perspectives, since it is told from the standpoint of a high school student, it is otherwise comparable in many respects with Orwell's 1984.

Cory Doctorow [who I had previously never heard of] has joined the ranks of the libertarian greats in one giant step. May he take many more steps of similar stride.