Blogs > Liberty and Power > Ron Paul Democrat

Jun 22, 2008

Ron Paul Democrat

Maybe all of those hero activists scrapping for delegates in Idaho, Montana, and Nevada are at the wrong conventions. In South Carolina a Ron Paul Democrat ,Bob Conley will be running against Republican Lindsey Graham for one of South Carolina’s Senate seats. In a superb article for Taki’s Magazine Dylan Hales’ analysis gives us plenty of reason to be optimistic about his chances. After looking at Conley’s website, I believe his election would be step forward.

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Keith Halderman - 6/23/2008

I did not say he is another Milton Friedman but would you rather have another socialist Democrat who will vote for every power and money grabbing idea Obama can come up with.

Bill Woolsey - 6/23/2008

He appears to be a protectionist. I can accept the paleo-libertarian claim that politically realistic trade agreements are unacceptable and that we must demand unilateral free trade. But when the calls for the repeals of trade agreements come with promises to protect American jobs, it is just too much for me. (And I am not seeing any calls for unilateral free trade from Conley.)

I don't like the attacks on Graham based upon his immigration position. I don't like Graham because of his position on the war. While marginally better than the administration on civil liberties, he is not good enough.

My impression, however, is that many SC libertarians are going to support Conley.