Blogs > Liberty and Power > Please Wither Away

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Greg Newburn - 6/22/2008

I don't know. Usama bin Laden, Whisker Biscuit, Beavis, Butthead, Bob Marley, John Lennon, George W. Bush, "Unibomber," and Jesus Christ may have signed legitimately.

Anthony Gregory - 6/20/2008

Bob, if you're saying that even fewer than 340 sound minds are openly calling for the abolition of the US government, perhaps you are on to something with your short-term pessimism.

Robert Higgs - 6/20/2008

Well, amigo, the petition is lovely indeed, but I must say that many of the signatures are, shall we say, rather flagrantly funky. Perhaps the total number of signatures needs to be adjusted by the application of a weirdo discount factor?

Micah Tillman - 6/19/2008

What a hilarious idea. A petition for the government to abolish itself. :-) I've been after my readers recently to answer the question, "What is government," since I don't think you can know who to vote for without being able to answer that question.

But it sounds like this petition's answer would be, "It ain't them as calls themselves the 'US' government, anyway." Not entirely helpful, but at least it's an answer.
