Blogs > Liberty and Power > Why Daddy is a Libertarian

Jun 12, 2008

Why Daddy is a Libertarian

My friend Jeff Ellis at The Thinker takes on a book called"Why Mommy is a Democrat" and offers a short and sweet take on "Why Daddy is a Libertarian" aimed at kids, tongue firmly in cheek, as he says.

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Anthony Gregory - 6/15/2008

Indeed, pro-war libertarians are much, much worse on this crucial issue than antiwar Democrats. The war makes us less safe, robs us, destroys our liberty and economy to such a degree that I'd almost pick an antiwar Democrat over a pro-war libertarian. In terms of national safety -- if that's the issue -- the pro-war libertarian position would definitely be a major mark against.

Anthony Gregory - 6/15/2008

Democrats are more poorly educated than Republicans? Not so sure.

Craig J Bolton - 6/12/2008

"And how do Democrats make us safe? By appeasement, by being weak on defense, and by eroding our second amendment rights."

Ya, right.

How do LP Libertarians "make us safe"? By wearing paper hats and capes at their nationally televised conventions and running national candidates that get 1/2% of the vote total [i.e., less than expected frictional percentage] ....... Oh, and by sounding like Yahoo Republican Warmongering Bushites when they get tired of those meaningless antics.

Justin A Bowen - 6/12/2008

With fewer and fewer kids living in families where the fathers are even allowed to participate in the child's life, why does anyone believe that the future could possibly be more libertarian rather than less? More children are being raised in single-parent households and households that receive government welfare than ever before. It is only natural that children will do what their parents do in most cases. Democrats (read: the poor, the uneducated, the single mothers, the lazy) are out-breeding libertarians (kind of like how the Palestinians are out-breeding the Israelis).