Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Mark Steyn Kangaroo Court

Jun 11, 2008

The Mark Steyn Kangaroo Court

It looks like British Columbia may well convict Mark Steyn under its Orwellian hate speech laws for an excerpt of his book, America Alone, that appeared in Maclean's. Steyn ranks high as one of my least favorite political writers but this trial is a travesty. The people of Canada should be ashamed for allowing the charges to have been brought in the first place.

Next time, my Canadian friends boast of that country's"advanced policies," I'll remind them of this.

I am not too impressed by Steyn's list of character witnesses, however. He exults that "President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Governor Mitt Romney, Senator Joe Lieberman, Senator Jon Kyl, and (at last count) six European prime ministers have either recommended the book or called me in to discuss its themes."

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David T. Beito - 6/12/2008

I hope you're right. Apparently, we will know the answer very soon.

Tim Sydney - 6/12/2008

The good side of this shameful mess is that they are going after a big high media profile fish. Normally these political courts avoid high profile cases and focus their bullying on small fry.

I suspect after Steyn has used it to boost his media ratings and lots of public money is wasted, that the charges will be dropped. The wannabe gestapo will then return to harassing politically harmless kooks and get their thrills from their self image as society's progressive conscience.

Robert Higgs - 6/11/2008

I cannot imagine a more damning indictment than Steyn's list of character witnesses. Who's left out, the Devil himself?