Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday's Notes

Jun 11, 2008

Wednesday's Notes

John Wilson,"History, History, and More History," Books & Culture, May/June, and Tim Lacy,"My Day In Baltimore: Notes On The 2008 Annual Meeting Of The Historical Society," History and Education, 10 June, report on The Historical Society's recent national conference at Johns Hopkins. Its program, with links to some papers, is here.

Jasper Griffin,"Mad about the Boy," NYRB, 9 June, reviews Richard Stoneman's Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend.

In Tyler Cowen,"Time travel back to 1000 A.D.: Survival tips," Marginal Revolution, 6 June, Cowen and his readers offer their best advice. Hat tip to Kottke, who says:"I side with the commenters who feel that the most likely outcome is death within a few days."

Simon Heffer and Adam Sisman review Hugh Trevor-Roper's The Invention of Scotland: Myth and History for the Telegraph, 6 June. Hat tip.

Keenan Mayo and Peter Newcomb,"How the Web Was Won," Vanity Fair, July, is an oral history of the internet. Hat tip to Rob MacDougall.

Errol Morris,"Play It Again, Sam (Re-enactments, Part One)," Zoom, 3 April; Morris,"Play It Again, Sam (Re-enactments, Part Two)," ibid., 10 April; and Morris,"Cartesian Blogging, Part Two," ibid., 9 June, are the most recent contribution by the winner of last year's Cliopatria Award for Best Series of Posts (scroll down).

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