In Memoriam: Sudha Shenoy 1943-2008
Julie Novak is reporting at her blog that Liberty and Power's Sudha Shenoy has died after a bout with cancer. Julie's obituary provides all the relevant information on Sudha and her career. Sudha was everything Julie says she is and more. She was truly one of the founders of the Austrian revival. Although she never published with the frequency of many of the rest of the stellar group of young scholars who attended the first revival conference in South Royalton, VT, she was active, including her contributions here at L&P. Her knowledge of history, especially European economic history, seemed endless and her training as an Austrian economist enabled her to see things in that history that others often overlooked. She was also one of the loudest classical liberal voices against the American imperialism of the last few years.
But above all of that, she was "old school" in all the best senses of the term. She was a scholar and a gentlewoman, and she was fun to be around. Last November at a Society for the Development of Austrian Economics session looking back at the early years of the Austrian revival, Roger Garrison told a hilarious story (as only he can) about an early conference in California that included Sudha taking an unplanned dip in the pool. My own favorite memory is what a good sport Sudha was when a group of us at an SDAE meeting a few years ago decided to go out to dinner at a barbecue place. It was decidedly not her scene, but she came along, found some things she could eat, and had a great time I think. It was also one of the few chances I really had to chat with her one-on-one as we sat at the same end of a long table. It was a great experience.
Rest in peace Sudha and thanks for all that you have done to help put Austrian economics where it is today.