Blogs > Cliopatria > Introducing Miriam Elizabeth Burstein ...

May 7, 2004

Introducing Miriam Elizabeth Burstein ...

Cliopatria welcomes Miriam Elizabeth Burstein to its circle. Professor Burstein is well known on the net as The Little Professor. Otherwise, she teaches English literature at the State University of New York at Brockport. Burstein's interest in history is"in the genes," since her father teaches ancient history and chairs the History Department at California State University, Los Angeles, and her mother holds a graduate degree in history. Somehow, their daughter strayed off into literature at UC, Irvine, but she graduated summa cum laude and did both of her graduate degrees at the University of Chicago. Subsequently, Burstein has published a number of articles in the Encyclopedia of British Literature, Huntington Library Quarterly, Modern Philology, Victorian Literature and Culture, and elsewhere. Her book, Narrating Women's History in Britain, 1770-1902 will appear later this year. Six months ago, I asked Tim Burke if he would join me in a new groupblog after he gave a piece that I published a rather thorough, ah, review and Burstein joins us after a sturdy critique of one of Hugo Schwyzer's posts. We think that helps to keep the conversation at Cliopatria fresh and vigorous.
Update: There'll be a brief delay for her postings. Disraeli and Victoria are not cooperating.

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