Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Apr 25, 2008

Friday Notes

Jonathan Bate,"The mad worlds of Thomas Middleton," TLS, 23 April, reviews Gary Taylor and John Lavagnino, eds., The Complete Works of Thomas Middleton and Taylor and Lavagnino, eds., Thomas Middleton and Early Modern Textual Culture.

Jared Diamond,"Vengeance is Ours," New Yorker, 21 April, argues that we are not so far removed from tribal societies' need of revenge.

Cornelia Dean,"What Darwin Saw Out Back," NYT, 25 April, reviews"Darwin's Garden: An Evolutionary Adventure," an exhibit at the New York Botanical Garden in The Bronx. It is curated by Drew University's David Kohn, who is editor of The Darwin Digital Library of Evolution. John van Whye's The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online is a more ambitious project.

Alexander Linklater,"Christopher Hitchens," Prospect, May, seeks to explain Hitchens's intellectual journey. The same issue of Prospect features a symposium,"1968: Liberty or Its Illusion?" Timothy Garton Ash, Anthony Giddens, Michael Ignatieff, PJ O'Rourke, and Slavoj Zizek are among over 50 contributors. Hat tip to Brian Sholis at In Search of the Middle.

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