Early Modern Notes

Karen Rosenberg,"The Art of the Hunt, as Practiced Way Back When," NYT, 18 April, reviews"Illuminating the Medieval Hunt," an exhibit at Manhattan's Morgan Library & Museum.
At Slate, Ron Rosenbaum offers a roundup of"the most interesting books, movies, and web sites related to the Bard" for Shakespeare's 392nd birthday on 23 April (maybe).
T. J. Clark,"The Special Motion of a Hand," LRB, 24 April, reviews"Poussin and Nature: Arcadian Visions" and"Gustave Courbet," exhibits currently at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
Thomas W. Merrill,"Masters and Possessors of Nature," New Atlantis, Winter, reviews Desmond Clarke's Descartes: A Biography and A. C. Grayling's Descartes: The Life and Times of a Genius.
Jeremy Adler,"Novalis and Philo-Sophie," TLS, 16 April, reviews Bruce Donehower, ed., The Birth of Novalis: Friedrich von Hardenberg's Journal of 1797, with selected letters and documents and Novalis, Notes for a Romantic Encyclopaedia: Das Allgemeine Brouillon, trans., ed., and with an introduction by David W. Wood. Hat tip to 3 quarks daily.
Ted Genoways,"The Poet and the Dreamer," Washington Post, 20 April, reviews Stanley Plumly's new biography, Posthumous Keats.