Blogs > Liberty and Power > Antiwar Leftists and Libertarians at the Hawblog

Apr 19, 2008

Antiwar Leftists and Libertarians at the Hawblog

I have joined the new blog of Historians Against the War. This blog is a rare opportunity to increase dialogue and debate between leftist and libertarian opponents of the war. Here is my first post.

Please consider making your views heard in the comments section.

Also, consider joining HAW. Membership is free. All you have to do is to sign the statement at the HAW site.

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More Comments:

Jeff Riggenbach - 4/19/2008

In case you haven't noticed, Dondero hasn't the foggiest notion what he's talking about - now or ever.


Roderick T. Long - 4/19/2008

Ironic that this guy tries to portray libertarians as "Anti-War."

Did he say that all libertarians are antiwar? No. So what are you talking about?

The vast majority of libertarians fully support the War on Radical Islamists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I'm not sure why it would matter what the majority thinks; libertarians don't think truth is determined by majority rule. But just out of curiosity, what is your statistical evidence that this is the majority position among libertarians?

To oppose Islamo-Fascism is the consistent libertarian position

There's no such thing as "Islamo-fascism." But if you mean the radical Islamist position that, as you out it, seeks to "outlaw civil liberties like free speech, women's rights and most sexual liberties," then yes, of course you are right that opposing this is the "consistent libertarian position." But a) it doesn't follow that waging war against radical Islamists is the consistent libertarian position (especially given that the U.S.'s aggressive foreign policy is oen of the chief recruiting tools of radical Islamism). And b) even if that did follow, it certainly wouldn't follow that invading Iraq (which, at the time we invaded, had a secularist regime that was strongly opposed to, and by, radical Islamism) is the consistent libertarian position. (You mention the "War on al-Qaeda," but al-Qaeda had virtually no presence in Iraq until we invaded there.) So, again, what are you talking about?

Eric Dondero - 4/19/2008

Ironic that this guy tries to portray libertarians as "Anti-War." The reverse is true. The vast majority of libertarians fully support the War on Radical Islamists in Iraq and Afghanistan.

To oppose Islamo-Fascism is the consistent libertarian position, for Islamo-Fascists seek to outlaw civil liberties like free speech, women's rights and most sexual liberties, with Sharia Law, which runs entirely contrary to the beliefs of libertarians.

So-called "Anti-War Libertarians" like Ron Paul, actually defacto aligne themselves with Fundamentalist Islam, the most extreme anti-libertarian forces, with their appeasement/pacifist policies.

Eric Dondero, Editor/Publisher
Libertarian Republican blog