Blogs > Liberty and Power > Last Night's Democratic Debate

Apr 17, 2008

Last Night's Democratic Debate

"The first 45 minutes were Barack Obama's toughest time in any debate. He came under withering assault from the moderators (and Hillary Clinton) on a whole host of issues from the comments of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's former pastor, to his decision not to wear a flag lapel to his connections with a one-time member of the Weather Underground. Time and again, Obama dismissed the questions as part of the politics of the past, something that he was running to change." (Chris Cillizza writing in today's Washington Post)

I'd have more respect for Obama if he would defend the Reverend Wright, his decision not to wear a flag lapel, and his connections with a one-time member of the Weather Underground. Or is it too much to hope that he would break with"the politics of the past"?

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