Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Apr 14, 2008

Things Noted Here and There

Two new aggregator sites of interest:
  • Daily, a daily news aggregator; and
  • History Nexus, an aggregator of history-related sites.
  • Spanking the Patriarchy:

  • Joy Connolly,"Wife-Beating in Ancient Rome," TLS, 9 April, reviews the recent literature; and
  • Miland Brown reproduces a"Bolshevik Press Message – 30th August 1919." The stunningly sexist text seems to be mistitled because the statement claims to speak for anarchists in Saratov. Question: Is it an authentic document?
  • Improbable Relationships:

  • Scott McLemee's The Last Page, Dissent, Spring, on Norman Mailer and Dissent;
  • Elizabeth Day,"The Odd Couple's Special Relationship," Guardian, 13 April, reviews Carole Seymour-Jones's dual biography of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, A Dangerous Liason; and
  • Evergreen State's Stephanie Coontz, the author of Marriage: A History, will be online with the Washington Post this morning at 11:00 a.m. EST"to discuss generational differences in the criteria used to choose spouses." You can pose questions now and read the discussion here later.

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