Blogs > Cliopatria > A Call for Symposium

Apr 8, 2008

A Call for Symposium

It’s been far too long, but here it is: Cliopatria’s tenth symposium, Reconcile and Remember: The Past in History and Politics. We will discuss Valérie Rosoux’s Forgiveness: Grandeur or Political Slogan (Dr. Rosoux has graciously allowed us to reprint and translate her article at HNN). Her work challenges us to think about how the peacemaking process bring about new interpretations of historical memory.

In addition, I offer several supplementary readings. These works deal with France’s relations with Germany and its North African minorities. Dr. Rosoux has graciously allowed us to take an excerpt from one of her articles.

These readings are mere stimulants, and participants should allow their minds to wander.

Cliopatricians should send their contributions to me at *ndr* *at* *brandeis* *dot* *edu*. I will post them on April 16, 2008.

Bloggers are welcomed to participate. They should post their own contributions at their individual blogs and e-mail the links to me. Distinguished historians are also encouraged to participate, and I will endeavor to include your contributions as well.

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