Blogs > Liberty and Power > New Independent Institute Beacon Blog

Apr 3, 2008

New Independent Institute Beacon Blog

Robert Higgs has a wonderful new entry,"Health of the State, Sickness of the Economy," in which he describes the Fed-generated real estate bubble as just one more domestic ill to come from big government at home, which he points out is a predictable consequence, even in areas non-defense related,"when people let down their guard because they 'support the troops.'"

Read the rest, and come check out the new Independent Institute blog, the Beacon, featuring bloggers Bob Higgs, Jonathan Bean, David Beito, Peter Klein, David Theroux, me and others.

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More Comments:

Tim Sydney - 4/6/2008

It's a great blog but those guys apparently haven't heard of RSS.

Anthony Gregory - 4/4/2008


Steven Horwitz - 4/4/2008

Right now, that link is this:


It should be:

When I made that manual correction in my reader, it took it just fine. Your webmaster needs to change the html there. Probably the same for the comments link too.

Steven Horwitz - 4/4/2008

the All Entries subscribe link. My reader tells me it's not a valid RSS feed.

Anthony Gregory - 4/4/2008

Is which link correct?

Steven Horwitz - 4/4/2008

Anthony - when I try to subscribe to the posts using my RSS reader, it tells me it's not a valid feed. Is that link correct?

Anthony Gregory - 4/4/2008

Newly announced.

Mark Brady - 4/3/2008

It's been up since October 2007. That said, I must confess I wasn't aware of it until your post today.