Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Mostly There

Mar 24, 2008

Things Noted Mostly There

Indian History Carnival #3 is up at Varnum.

John Carey reviews Katherine Ashenburg's Clean: An Unsanitised History of Washing for the London Times, 23 March.

With advice from Dan Klerman, Hazel Lord, the senior law librarian at the University of Southern California, has created the English Medieval Legal Documents Wiki. Hat tip.

Hilary Montel,"The Bare Bones," Guardian, 22 March, reviews Geoffrey Moorhouse's The Last Office: 1539 and the Dissolution of a Monastery.

Christopher Clark reviews Adam Zamoyski's Warsaw 1920: Lenin's Failed Conquest of Europe for the London Times, 23 March.

Rachel Campbell-Johnston,"Alberto Giacometti: the space that Giac built," London Times, 18 March, and Laura Cummings,"The human race, handled with care," Guardian, 23 March, reviews"Giacometti," an exhibit at Compton Verney, Warwickshire.

Finally,"10 Most Historically Inaccurate Movies: Films that make your high school history teacher cry," at Yahoo! Movies may be too brief a list, but it catches some of the most notorious. Hat tip.

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