Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Mar 23, 2008

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright

Our readers may be interested to read a more complete account of the Reverend Wright's sermon on"Confusing God and Government." I guess it was pretty much what I expected. He's good on government lies. And he's good on the war question, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Afghanistan, Iraq. Yes, he does need to read Mises on the market economy. But, overall, he's arguably better than Barack Obama. And certainly better than some who call themselves libertarian!

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John Kunze - 3/24/2008

Wright has a lot of good examples of government lies, but he is over the top with this one:

"The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color."

There is no evidence of this and it lets his opponents label him a kook.

More seriously, this believe and the claim that vaccines cause autism, sterilization, etc. is diverting attention to what blacks in the U.S. and Africa need to do to protect themselves from disease.

There is no doubt that Wright's speech is phrased as anti-government, but it has the unfortunate effect of supporting anti-white attitudes by blacks that distract from the Bill Cosby focus on blacks learning to help themselves. I am not sure why this is so.

David T. Beito - 3/23/2008

People say that media is in the tank for Obama. Perhaps. But they also are in the tank for McCain, hence the failure to report on McCain's courting of the even more dangerous Rev. John Hagee.

Mark Brady - 3/23/2008

Oops! I have now silently corrected the error. At least I didn't spell the other reverend as Sidney Smyth!

Steven Horwitz - 3/23/2008

It's Jeremiah Wright Mark.

Do we need to call Dr. Freud again? :)