Blogs > Liberty and Power > Stop Whining

Mar 20, 2008

Stop Whining

I can't take much more of this. Hillary is now claiming that it's a matter of civil rights that the Democratic Party non-primaries in FL and MI should count. First of all, I hope it's obvious to everyone that the only reason she says this is that she needs the extra delegates she might get there. But the larger issue is that it's false. No one denied voters there the right to vote in an election. Primaries are party events. While in some states, any registered voter can vote in any primary, in other states, only registered party members can vote in that party's primary. Furthermore, the Democratic Party said something along the lines of"do not move up your state's primary in the calendar in a blatant attempt at getting more pork; if you do that, your delegates will not be regognized." Surely even state legislators are clever enough to understand basic if-then reasoning. They were told not to do it, they were told what the penalty would be if they did it, they did it anyway. Now they complain that it's not fair? Give me a break!

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