Blogs > Liberty and Power > Will Paul Gets the Last Laugh? (Election Results Tonight)

Mar 5, 2008

Will Paul Gets the Last Laugh? (Election Results Tonight)

Paul is leading more than 2 to 1 in early returns for reelection to Congress against pro-war conservative Chris Peden. There is no Democratic candidate in November.

While only a fraction of the results are in, Paul is ahead in every county which has reported returns. See here for regular updates.

PAUL WINS IN A LANDSLIDE! The snarky Wonkette, which gleefully predicted otherwise, is deeply saddened.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 3/6/2008

Apparently, Peden was also a pro-NASA nut who wanted a crash effort to send spaceships throughout the galaxy.

Craig J. Bolton - 3/6/2008

While I still think that the Paul candidacy was a net detriment to libertarianism, which attracted more nuts than anyone since Fr. Coughlin, I don't quite see how anyone could vote for an opponent who was described by his friends as "...a certified CPA, a churchgoing family man, and a practiced hand at worming cattle."

Maybe the voters in District 14 didn't want bend over and be "wormed," yet again?