Blogs > Liberty and Power > Thuggish Health Care Plan

Feb 13, 2008

Thuggish Health Care Plan

Star Parker has an excellent essay in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on the serious flaws that characterize Hillary Clinton’s proposed health care plan. Below is a comment I left on their website.

One thing that Star Parker forgot to add is that the government mandated plan, which takes a third of your paycheck, will probably stink. Let us face facts here, when it comes to your grandmother's hip replacement or a defense contractor's profits you know who will win that battle in a Clinton administration. After all, she has taken more money from the defense industry than any other candidate from both parties.

Universal health care or single payer would not be nearly as popular if we called them what they were, government rationed health care. Neither Clinton nor Obama are proposing to deal with the real medical care problem, the fact that it is paid for by third parties. Because people do not feel like they pay themselves for their own health care, the insurance company or the government does, there is no incentive to hold down costs. If people are forced by the government to buy insurance there will be even more incentive to maximize use.

You can put out all of the ideological rants against the free market that you want but there is one thing you can not deny that it does every time, it reduces costs and improves quality. Both the Democratic candidates and probably McCain for that matter want to move us in the opposite direction.

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More Comments:

Allan Walstad - 2/13/2008

Government intervention causes problems which serve as excuses for more government intervention, until little scope for individual action remains. People are worse off, by and large, than they would have been. Yet, the alternative--of individual liberty and personal responsibility--is difficult for most to contemplate. So the political profits continue to go to purveyors of expanded collectivism. How to change that?