Blogs > Liberty and Power > Law vs. Legislation

Feb 12, 2008

Law vs. Legislation

[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

Guess who wrote this:

Legislation, as it has been usually understood, is not an affair of human competence. Immutable reason is the true legislator, and her decrees it behoves us to investigate. The functions of society extend, not to the making, but the interpreting of law; it cannot decree, it can only declare that which the nature of things has already decreed, and the propriety of which irresistibly flows from the circumstances of the case. ... Men cannot do more than declare and interpret law; nor can there be an authority so paramount as to have the prerogative of making that to be law which abstract and immutable justice had not made to be law previously to that interposition.

See the answer.

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More Comments:

Roderick T. Long - 2/18/2008

Yes, but people are supposed to think it's Spooner ....

David T. Beito - 2/15/2008

Not surprised, given the source.