Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Feb 8, 2008

Friday Notes

Paul Johnson,"She crucified her enemies and burnt London to the ground. Meet Britain's first feminist, Boadicea," MailonSunday, 6 February, reflects on heroes and memory, in an adaptation from his new book, Heroes. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Rachel Leow is intrigued by the possibility of a critical edition of the Qu'ran."thoughts on texts," a historian's craft, 6 February, raises the question; and links for 2008-02-07, 7 February, points to relevant sources on the net.

William Grimes,"The Tenant Who Wrote ‘Macbeth'," NYT, 8 February, reviews Charles Nicholls's The Lodger Shakespeare: His Life on Silver Street.

Our colleagues, Tim Burke and David Kaiser, think about Hillary Clinton's threat to fight for the seating of delegates from Florida and Michigan at the Democratic national convention.

YouTubes of Note: Tenured! and Food Fight! or, Broccoli revisits the 20th century. Thanks to Claire Potter and Rob MacDougall for the tips. And, finally, condolences to our friend, Sharon Howard, who cut her finger on a piece of toast. No, seriously!

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