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Andrew D. Todd - 2/7/2008
See my previous statistical analysis here:
Romney's concession shakes things up a bit, but only a bit. The voters representing about half of his ultimate expected delegate count have not voted yet. McCain and Huckabee are obviously so much more capable men than Romney that a vote for Romney was always a protest against having to chose between them. Now the voters are forced to choose. They can vote for McCain, or for Huckabee, or they might still be able to change their registration and vote for Obama. The dominant mood of the audience at Romney's concession speech seems to have been outrage.
I think you will find that any promises which McCain may have made to Romney need no longer be honored, as his followers are not willing to be part of a deal. McCain was the second choice in Massachusetts, Michigan and Colorado, barely the second choice in Minnesota and North Dakota, the third choice (after Ron Paul) in Montana, and the forth choice in Alaska (after both Huckabee and Ron Paul). Alaskan delegates are unlikely to feel any obligation to vote for McCain. The implication is that McCain will probably not be able to hang onto the Romney vote beyond the Upper Midwest.