Blogs > Liberty and Power > Super Tuesday aftermath

Feb 6, 2008

Super Tuesday aftermath

Ok, I guess I didn't vote hard enough, Ron Paul didn't win Massachusetts. McCain's lead is now very solid, but it's not a done deal yet. To hear the MSM describe it, Huckabee had already vanished, but he had many strong results, splitting the anti-McCain vote, winning several contests. Paul did manage a third-place finish in three states, but I think it's over, sad to say. Romney didn't do as well as I was hoping, where"hoping" refers only to my sense that he's less scary a prospect than McCain and vastly preferable to Huck.

On the Dem side, Hillary did better than I would have liked. DO NOT WANT. Even though Mass. Gov. Patrick and both Senators endorsed Obama, Hillary's strength with liberal boomer women worked well here, and, evidently, many other places. Fortunately, her lead is slim, where"fortunately" refers only to my sense that Obama is less scary, and marginally more liberty-friendly, than Hillary.

UPDATE: Hmm, I guess it's actually not clear who is ahead in delegates. See here, e.g.

One other thing. If I keep hearing these sloppy, lazy, MSM journalists describe Hillary's victory in New York as"winning her home state," I'm going to have start taking hostages. Even the NYT does this! One correspondent on NPR got it right this morning, referring to her winning her adopted home state. The reality is, she lost her home state, Illinois, to Obama.

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Craig J Bolton - 2/7/2008

Well, as they use to say in Chicago, "Vote early, vote often." Maybe if Paul supporters followed that advice as much in real elections as they do in internet polls...... Well, who knows.