Blogs > Liberty and Power > The President of Bling Gets Married

Feb 3, 2008

The President of Bling Gets Married

President Nicolas Sarkozy and model Carla Bruni married yesterday.

"Reports that Sarkozy had given Bruni a pink heart-shaped diamond Dior engagement ring, while she gave him a Swiss-made Patek Philippe watch, a total of £63,000 of exchanged precious metal and stone, have fuelled headlines about 'the president of bling'."

At least it spares the Queen's blushes:"The news will come as a mild relief to Buckingham Palace, where the Queen was said to have faced having to decide whether 'speedy Sarko' and his girlfriend should be offered separate rooms in Windsor Castle on a state visit to Britain next month."

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Andrew D. Todd - 2/4/2008

Actually, it's worse than that. You understand, the entertainment industry essentially wants to shut the internet down to keep it from interfering with their profits, and they are lobbying various governments to that effect, or for similar draconian measures. They don't get much of anywhere with most sensible politicians, large bribes notwithstanding, because having cops shoot little girls for making unauthorized copies of Britney Spears songs is such an obviously dumb idea, and that would be the end result of applying the paramilitary tactics of the war on drugs to a war on music piracy. The entertainment industry wants there to be only a handful of infinitely famous stars, entirely owned by the industry, and this inevitably means that their entire creative output (such as it may be) is likely, with improving technology, to reduce to a single disk, which can be easily copied. This means that the entertainment industry is at war with technology.

For hitherto inexplicable reasons, Sarkozy has been unusually receptive to the entertainment industry. So now we know. The noted business philosopher Robert Townsend once observed that the symptom of a businessman acquiring a mistress was a sudden surge of creativity in respect to his expense account. I imagine that for a politician, discretionary legislation and regulation falls in the same category.Vive le France!

Craig J Bolton - 2/4/2008

"Reports that Sarkozy had given Bruni a pink heart-shaped diamond Dior engagement ring, while she gave him a Swiss-made Patek Philippe watch, a total of £63,000 of exchanged precious metal and stone,"

What, no $400.00 haircut accompanied by a lecture on how he had given his life in a struggle for the poor? Obviously not up to American standards.