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Stephan Kinsella - 1/18/2008
The problem, and what is evil, is libertarians demanding that the Mises Institute, or anyone associated with it, be "excommunicated." There is a sickness among anyone who finds this twisted program appealing.
Steven Horwitz - 1/17/2008
Despite how hard I've hammered away on this issue, I have tried carefully not to say that I think Ron himself is a racist because the evidence on that is much slimmer. I have my disagreements with his platform as well, but my bigger concern is the pandering to the hard right and the way in which some of those attitudes have lingered on in the libertarian movement today. This piece does a nice job in defending Paul where he can be defended and rightly criticizing him for lack of oversight or being naive. Absent more compelling evidence than we have, I think this piece is about right with respect to Ron Paul the person.
Amy H. Sturgis - 1/17/2008
Thanks for this link!
Aeon J. Skoble - 1/17/2008
Yes, excellent essay. Thanks for posting it.