Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Ron Paul Newsletters: A Little Light, and Some Questions

Jan 18, 2008

The Ron Paul Newsletters: A Little Light, and Some Questions

Given the very real significance of Ron Paul’s candidacy, the newsletters are a topic in contemporary history. So some more observations & notes:

A. The particular circumstances in which the objectionable issues on race & homosexuality were published, are critical. Paul was a private individual then (see further.)

B. Including the small amount of new material, 18 such issues appeared (on present knowledge) from Dec 1989 to Sept 1994. Assuming publication was monthly, some ?58 issues came out in this period.

The time-pattern has hardly changed: 11 out of 16 issues specified (by extracts or in quotes ), appeared in the 17 months Dec 1989 -- May 1991 (inclusive.) The remaining 5 were scattered: 1992 (two) 1993 (one) 1994 (two.) And there are quotes from two unspecified issues. (Also see further.)


A. Ron Paul was a private individual from 3 January 1985 to 3 Jan 1997. During these 12 years, his principal occupation was as an obstetrician/gynaecologist. The first is fairly time-consuming, of course. He also travelled widely, giving lectures.

Paul held no political office in these 12 years -- he was a fully-occupied obstetrician. He was a private individual, & the newsletter was published & sent out to subscribers by a company in which he had a ‘minority holding’. In 1988 he ran for president on the Libertarian Party ticket; during this period he had campaign staff, of course. He then resumed his private practice. It was then -- mostly in the 17 months December 1989--May 1991 -- that the objectionable issues appeared. Since the newsletters went to subscribers, they had to be printed & sent out regularly, even when he was travelling (“Other people help me with my newsletter as I travel around.”) *

In 1996, when Paul ran successfully for Congress, he again had campaign staff. It was in this campaign that (some of) the objectionable issues surfaced. In other words, his campaign staff were then dealing with a newsletter published (under his name), while Paul was a a private individual, a full-time obstetrician. Paul says that in 1996 he “actually really wanted to try to explain that it doesn't come from me directly” but ‘campaign aides’ advised against it: “that's too confusing”. They advised Paul that as his name was on the newsletters, he would “have to live with it”. *

Paul does give us some idea of how things proceeded with the newsletter. This came out when he was speaking about the derogatory comments on Barbara Jordan. The newsletter (issue unknown so far) said of her:"the archetypical half-educated victimologist" whose"race and sex protect her from criticism." In Oct 2001 , however, Paul said: “I think the one on Barbara Jordan was the saddest thing, because Barbara and I served together and actually she was a delightful lady."

One possible construction: Paul read & approved of the derogatory comments, & then lied through his teeth to retrieve his position. However, he also says:"we wanted to do something on affirmative action, and it ended up in the newsletter and became personalized. I never personalize anything."**

This suggests a general discussion with the person actually in charge, about the topics to put into the newsletter. Then the (de facto) editor was left to get on with it (while Paul got on with his practice & lecturing. ) It would seem that Paul trusted the editor implicitly -- ie, he felt no need to then see what was actually sent to subscribers. He says this pretty much: “I have [publicly] taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name" (emphasis added.)

During the 12 years he was in full-time private practice, did Paul employ anyone whose job it was to keep track of the newsletter, inter alia? Did any subscriber (s) complain to him? Did any friend tell him? Only further inquiry will tell. We are told Paul learnt about the comments “much later [,] when they were brought to his attention…He was angry when he saw them.” * When was he told? How did it happen?

A serious biographer, or an historian writing on Ron Paul’s candidacy, would also want to know how busy his practice was in these 12 years, what travelling he did, etc., particularly between Dec 1989 & May 1991, & then to Sept 1994.

B. This time, TNR are able to give the editors, publisher, & contributing editors, as listed in three issues only, all before Dec ’89 (see above.) These are: March 1987, April 1988, May 1988. (a) Ron Paul is named as editor & publisher in the first, & as editor in the second. Lew Rockwell becomes editor in the third. (b) Nadia Hayes is ‘VP and Treasurer’ in the first, then publisher for the other two (see below) (c ) In March 1987, four contributing editors are listed: Lew Rockwell, William Sumner, Chris Weber, Sam Wells, in that order. In March 1988, William Sumner is the sole contributing editor. There is none in April 1988. -- Various statements may be found on the web as to the editor, publisher, etc, in the 1990s, but this is not the same as seeing the actual newsletters themselves.

[NB There are allegations about Nadia Hayes on the web. I have not been able to find any reliable information. Others more skilful may be able to do better.]

The above analysis of the issues available through TNR, is, of course, simply an exercise in frustration. These selections were made for the purpose of axe-grinding (which is fair enough.) What is really needed is a sensible overall analysis of all the issues available. What was in the remaining 40 or so issues in the period Dec 1989 -- May 1991? What sort of material appeared from 1977 to November 1989, & from October 1994 to December 1998? What was in the newsletters when Paul was in office, & had a political staff, as compared to the years when he was a private individual? Who were the editor/publisher/ any contributing editors? What changes occurred? When?

It is only when we have answers to these questions that we can properly elucidate Ron Paul’s position in the whole situation. This is essential because Ron Paul’s candidacy & its substantive impact, is possibly the most significant development in American politics & political thinking, in the early 21st century. This impact has crossed into the wider world, with people in some 27 countries eagerly expressing their enthusiasm for the ideas he is putting forward.

* All quotes are from those portions of the article by S C Gwynne, ‘Dr. No’, Texas Monthly, Oct 2001, quoted in Free Market News Network, 11 Jan 2008, ‘Ron Paul Race Smear Erased?’ or from that report. The link is in the text above, under ‘Oct 2001’.

**This is taken from the article by S C Gwynne, above. Unfortunately, this is from the portion behind subscription.

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More Comments:

Sudha Shenoy - 1/17/2008

I'm afraid I have no idea. I simply reported the names as given.

Roderick T. Long - 1/17/2008

Just out of curiosity, is "William Sumner" a real name or a pseudonym? Is the name just a coincidence?