Blogs > Cliopatria > Thursday Notes

Jan 17, 2008

Thursday Notes

William R. Caraher's"Blogging Archaeology and the Archaeology of Blogging," Archaeology, 16 January, was originally developed as a series of posts at Caraher's own blog, The Archaeology of the Mediterranean World.

Andrew Higgins,"The Lost Archive," WSJ, 12 January, reports the survival of an archive of photographs of ancient Koranic texts and the renewal of German scholarship on the early history of the Koran.

Jennifer Lee,"Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie," NYT, 16 January, traces the origin of the Chinese fortune cookie to ..... Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Ginger Strand,"Selling Sex in Honeymoon Heaven: Femininity, Niagara Falls, and the Genuine Allure of an American Fake," Believer, January, tracks the development of the Honeymoon at Niagara Falls.

Eric Habsbawm,"Diary," LRB, 24 January, reviews Eric Weitz's Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy. Hat tip.

Finally, Miriam Burstein,"The Academic Olympics," Little Professor, 11 January. Chances are, you're competing in the games.

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