Blogs > Liberty and Power > Worth Reading

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Tim Sydney - 1/8/2008

Libertarians tend to differ from the mainstream by their contrarian view of FDR. Libertarians look at his policy results and correctly point out that he extended and deepened the depression and entangled the US in WW2.

But that's looking at the steak not the sizzle, and salesmen tell us you sell the sizzle not the steak.

A wider view of FDR would concede him this. 'FDR gave the American people hope in the Great Depression, but they really wanted jobs. And he gave them leadership in war, but they really wanted peace'.

Obama, like FDR, is a "sizzle" not "steak" politician. His nomination symbolises the promise of racial equality whilst continuing the policies, like minimum wages laws (Milton Friedman back in the 1960s called them the 'most anti-negro law on the statute books'), that perpetuate racial inequality.