Blogs > Cliopatria > Short thoughts before Christmas

Dec 21, 2007

Short thoughts before Christmas

Bush and Congress.
Like it or not, and I don’t, President Bush and his congressional allies have done a masterful job of thwarting the Democrats. Some of this may be fecklessness on the part of Democrats, but a lot of it is the Bush Administration’s very clear understanding of presidential powers.

Whoever the next president is should study this closely—along with Bill Clinton’s ability to use his powers to restrain the Republican Congress of the mid-1990s.

That doesn’t mean that the Democrats in 2007 have done nothing. Actually the domestic accomplishments do mark a sharp change from the previous session. But it indicates clearly that, hard as some Congresses may try, it is just impossible to return to the 19th century ideal in which Congress has the leading role. From the standpoint of both public perception and policy accomplishments, either the president leads, or Washington is a mess.

Primary Season.
The first 6 weeks of 2008 are going to be an extraordinarily frantic time in American politics. Neither party has a clear front-runner. Probably, one candidate in each party will catch fire just enough to win quickly.

However, I still think this is the best chance in my adult life—maybe my entire life—for one or both of the conventions to actually choose a nominee. That would be truly fascinating.

Whatever your persuasion, religious or political, may you find joy in this season!

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