Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

Dec 19, 2007

Wednesday Notes

Ari Kelman,"AHA," The Edge of the American West, 18 December, offers experienced advice about preparing for the interview process at the AHA convention.

Sara Rimer,"Academic Stars Hone Their Online Stagecraft," NYT, 19 December, features physicist W. H. G. Lewin. Our colleague, Manan Ahmed, points out that Stanford's Patrick Hunt is the only historian with a lecture,"How Did Hannibal Cross the Alps?" in iTunes U's top 20. It's at #5.

Joscelyn Jurich,"Nature was Leonardo's Muse," SF Chronicle, 9 December, reviews Fritjof Capra's The Science of Leonardo: Inside the Mind of the Great Genius of the Renaissance.

Charles Isherwood,"Don't Dillydally, Darwin, It's Survival of the Quickest," NYT, 6 December, and Cornelia Dean,"Darwin's Era, Modern Themes: Science, Faith and Publication," NYT, 18 December, review Peter Parnell's new play, Trumpery, which opened this month at New York's Atlantic Theater Company.

Michael Kazin,"Confronting a Father's Legacy," CHE, 21 December, is an essay many of us hoped Michael would write. It's beautifully done.

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