Blogs > Liberty and Power > Nice Work If You Can Get It

Dec 16, 2007

Nice Work If You Can Get It

"Tony Blair is making between £500,000 and £1m a month from public speaking engagements, matching the earning power of President Bill Clinton.

"Sources close to Blair, who left Downing Street last June, say he is delivering up to five speeches a month, with a typical fee of between £100,000 and £200,000."

"If he manages to maintain his high profile, the Blairs should easily be able to service and pay off the mortgages of almost £4m on their properties in Connaught Square, in London, Bristol and Sedgefield, Co Durham."

Neither did I enjoy reading this:

"The running costs of Blair’s peace mission [in the Middle East] are considerable. Accommodation at the Colony exceeds $1m a year, and the travel budget adds a similar amount. He has a UN fleet of vast silver SUVs and three Mercedes. Locals resent his road convoys, which are blamed for traffic snarl-ups."

But this brought a smile to my face:

"Blair’s attempt to embrace the social networking phenomenon has been poorly received. Nearly two months after its launch, his channel on YouTube had attracted little more than 300 viewers and 16 subscribers."

Now how many minutes does it take for Ron Paul's website to receive 300 hits?

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