Blogs > Liberty and Power > You Want Some Science

Dec 11, 2007

You Want Some Science

For those of you that refuse to see human engendered global warming as the big government scam that it is, who are continually accusing we skeptics of ignoring the science the shoe is now on the other foot. See here.

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Gus diZerega - 12/12/2007

I hope so - but given Inhofe's credentials I'll keep my eyes open for other discussions. He has also apparently compared people who believe in evolution to Nazis.

Clearly a man who judges the evidence wuisely....

I was also amused by the juxtaposition of the following two titles in the references...

ABC-TV Meteorologist: I Don't Know A Single Weatherman Who Believes 'Man-Made Global Warming Hype'

The Weather Channel Climate Expert Refuses to Retract Call for Decertification for Global Warming Skeptics