Blogs > Liberty and Power > Campaign Finance Hypocrites

Dec 11, 2007

Campaign Finance Hypocrites

An article in Wired magazine about the Ron Paul Blimp has a quote in it which demonstrates the nauseating hypocrisy of the modern good government movement now called campaign finance reform. Paul Ryan, an attorney at the Campaign Legal Center says ”the blimp project may not fly with regulators.” That organization’s Mission Statement indicates that it ”represents the public interest in administrative, legislative and legal proceedings” and in my opinion that is a blatant lie.

Here we have a candidate whose whole platform is limiting the size of government and cutting out the moneyed special interests that are supposed to be the problem with a project, independent of the official campaign, funded by regular Americans contributing as little as $25 dollars, getting no corporate largess, and what is the almost universal response from the campaign finance reform crowd, it is wrong shut it down. They continually rail against the evil influence of the big money boys but their real purpose is to tell ordinary people to shut up and take it. There are thousands upon thousands of reasons to hope Ron Paul wins and one of them is for Trevor Lyman’s sake because I am very much afraid that if anyone else does they will try to put this patriot in jail for daring to speak up.

Ultimately, the campaign finance reform hypocrites want public financing of elections which will entrench the status quo even more thereby benefiting the special interests presently in charge enormously. They want the people who love Ron Paul to be forced at the point of a gun to contribute to the likes of Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton. Ask yourself this question if we had publicly paid for contests right now would there be any Ron Paul revolution?

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More Comments:

John P Slevin - 12/11/2007

This article hits the nail on the head!