Blogs > Liberty and Power > Gun Culture or Gun-Control Culture?

Dec 8, 2007

Gun Culture or Gun-Control Culture?

"European Union legislators recently took another step towards transforming the entire continent into a low-security prison when they voted overwhelmingly for tough new gun-control legislation."

So writes Kevin Yuill in a new essay against gun control and gun-control culture.

"Historically, gun controls have been aimed at any group considered a threat to elite rule. The 1968 Gun Control Act was very much helped in its passage by fears of the Black Panther Party, the members of which exercised their constitutional right to form a militia. If there is any symbolic meaning to guns, it is as a symbol of power because an armed citizenry has a strong association with democracy, freedom, and equality. It is the literal meaning of 'empowerment', that term so meaninglessly repeated in a thousand European quangos. It is the medium through which the powerless become the equal to the powerful throughout history. As the American proverb went: 'God made men. Sam Colt made them equal.'"

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