Blogs > Liberty and Power > Will the Critics of Ron Paul at Liberty and Power Please Feel Free to Stand Up?

Nov 30, 2007

Will the Critics of Ron Paul at Liberty and Power Please Feel Free to Stand Up?

In announcing his support for a new group called Historians for Obama, my friend Ralph E. Luker at Cliopatria has stated that"David Beito, and others have virtually turned their libertarian blog over to the Ron Paul campaign." He also characterizes our blog as somewhat"single-minded" on this issue.

I wrote a comment on Luker's post arguing a contrary view. I noted that while it is true that a vocal minority of our members have written posts enthusiastically backing Paul, others here, such as Wendy McElroy, have opposed him, expressed skepticism, or been silent.

Having said this, Luker might have a point. It is undeniable that Paul's boosters have posted often lately while his critics have not weighed in nearly as much. For this reason, I encourage the Ron Paul critics and skeptics to feel free to express themselves more often. At the very least, I'd like to make it clear that Liberty and Power does not take a party line on the next election.

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John Kunze - 11/29/2007

I argued pro-Paul in a comment on today's other post, but we don't have to limit ourselves to just one type of support or one candidate.

I'll bet a case can be made that of candidates with a real chance to be elected, Obama offers the best chance for liberty and that the difference between him and the others is significant.

Which candidate is:
A) the most thougtful and likely to raise the level of debate and encourage a better range of policy options?
B) open to seeing the destructive impact of drug prohibition?
C) open to seeing 2 million American's in jail as a problem worth addressing?
D) likely to offer more transparency into his administration?
E) likely to get us out of Iraq the fastest?
F) likely to marginalize Al Sharpton and push the discussion of racial issues ahead if elected?
G) likely to raise respect for American traditions world-wide?
H) likely to roll back the Patriot Act and clean house after Bush?

Would anyone give any answer but Obama to any of these?

I have not yet decided to send a check to Obama, but shouldn't post positive things about Obama when he is right, as Andrew Sullivan often does?