Blogs > Cliopatria > Wednesday Notes

Nov 28, 2007

Wednesday Notes

Tim Burke's"History 1L The History of Play and Leisure, Spring 2008," Easily Distracted, 26 November, is another of Tim's stimulating syllabi.

Gorman Beauchamp,"Apologies All Around," American Scholar, Autumn, argues that"today's tendency to make amends for the crimes of history raises the question: where do we stop?" Hat tip.

Michiko Kakutani,"The Timing, Luck and Lust Behind the Forming of That More Perfect Union," NYT, 27 November, reviews Joseph Ellis's American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic.

Art Winslow,"More Than Just a Legend," Chicago Tribune, 24 November, reviews Robert Morgan's biography of Daniel Boone.

Joanna Bourke reviews James Vernon's Hunger: A Modern History for the London Times, 23 November.

The Council on Foreign Relations has a"Live Webcast: Symposium on Evangelicals and U.S. Foreign Policy," 30 November. Among others, it features William Martin of Rice University, Andrew Preston of Clare College, Cambridge University, and Leo Ribuffo of George Washington University. Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

Finally, four of us at Cliopatria endorsed"Historians for Obama." Its announcement was covered by both the CHE and IHE. Our contributing editor, Sean Wilentz, announced his support for Hillary Clinton at Stumper on 16 November and the CHE finally noticed that yesterday.

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