Blogs > Liberty and Power > New issue of Reason Papers

Nov 28, 2007

New issue of Reason Papers

I am happy to report that Reason Papers #29 is due back from the printers any day now, so any orders received soonish will be filled before the end of the semester. Ordering info is on the website, But while I’m here, let me disclose the contents.

The articles include Angelo Codevilla’s response to the symposium papers about him which were featured in #28, as well as the proceedings of the recent Society for Value Inquiry meeting which featured an exchange between James Sterba and Tibor Machan. The other articles are:

Morality and the Foundations of Practical Reason by Brian Zamulinski

A Unified Theory of Intrinsic Value by Stephen Kershnar

Relativism and Progress by Howard Darmstadter

Are You in a Dilemma? What Disturbing Choices Say about Our Character by Jason Swedene

Respect for Persons and the Authority of Morality by Matt Zwolinski

Lomasky on Practical Reason: Personal Value and Metavalues by Shane Courtland

Political Obligations and the Duties of Friends by Nkiruka Ahiauzu

An Economic, Political, and Philosophical Analysis of Externalities by Brian P. Simpson

Plumb-Line Libertarianism: A Critique of Hoppe by Walter Block

Also, a review essay by James Stacey Taylor on Amy E. White’s Virtually Obscene: The Case for an Uncensored Internet and a review by Jordon Barkalow of Isaiah Berlin’s Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought

This issue begins what I hope is a new regime of production quality and efficiency. Not only did I switch printers, but I have been fortunate enough to secure the assistance of two talented individuals to serve as Managing Editors: Carrie-Ann Biondi and Irfan Khawaja. I am delighted with the results. Oh, and did I mention that the archive section on the website features full-text PDFs of all of No. 1-27? How cool is that?

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