Blogs > Liberty and Power > California Embraces Glenn Singleton's Cultural Revolution

Nov 25, 2007

California Embraces Glenn Singleton's Cultural Revolution

At Colossus of Rhodey, Hube reports the disturbing, but all too unsurprising, news that the California Superintendent of Education has hired professional “diversity trainer” Glenn Singleton. Mandatory programs of this type are often abusive and manipulative but Singleton’s is one of the worst.

As pointed out here earlier, many of his techniques recall those favored during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.

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More Comments:

Michael D Zorn - 11/30/2007

He's been in the news recently:

Singleton: Thanksgiving is racist

He's moving from Seattle to California

Sudha Shenoy - 11/25/2007

Governance requires that subjects be obedient -- do as they're told, & absorb their rulers' rationalisations unquestioningly. Hardly surprising, therefore, that techniques of successful governance should be copied by other govts.