Blogs > Liberty and Power > Laissez Faire Books Lives On!

Nov 19, 2007

Laissez Faire Books Lives On!

Laissez Faire Books is not closing but is continuing operations under a new owner, the International Society for Individual Liberty (ISIL).

ISIL has released the following statement:

"The International Society for Individual Liberty is pleased to be the new sponsors of Laissez Faire Books. For three decades LFB has been a prime source for libertarian educational material. And we intended to continue, and expand, that tradition.

"Your purchase from LFB does more than you may realize. Proceeds from sales allow us to sponsor new books that would never see the light of day otherwise through our Cobden Press publishing arm. In addition, we will sponsor books for libraries, schools, students and non-profit organizations around the world. And you can donate to such causes through ISIL which is a registered non-profit educational organization.

"The acquisition of LFB was unexpected so we are still getting a grasp on things. There will be a period of transition. But we will deal with your orders as quickly and efficiently as possible. It may take some time to have the new web site fully functional. But you will receive a regular newsletter from us in PDF format that you should be able to open and enjoy."

The first issue of this newsletter is now available. If you wish to receive this virtual publication now and in the future, email your request to laissezfairebooks[at] The website is

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