Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Nov 13, 2007

More Noted Things

Stuart Taylor, Jr.,"Academia's Pervasive PC Rot," National Journal, 12 November, argues that the University of Delaware's residential re-education program and statements by Duke's"group of 88" are symptomatic of conditions in American higher education.

In the centennial of his birth, Arthur Krystal,"Age of Reason," New Yorker, 22 October, and Jeffrey Hart,"Jacques Barzun at 100," New Criterion, November, pay tribute to the senior historian. Hat tip.

Blake Morrison,"‘More life than a wood-ful of cats'," Guardian, 3 November, reviews Christopher Reid's edition of the Letters of Ted Hughes. Hat tip.

David Brooks,"History and Calumny," NYT, 9 November, which defended Ronald Reagan's campaign appearance at Philadelphia, Mississippi, in 1980 seemed to cry out for reply. We didn't have to wait for long. See: Timothy Noah,"Decoding David Brooks," Slate, 9 November; Paul Krugman,"Innocent Mistakes," NYT, 10 November; Joe Crespino,"Did David Brooks Tell the Full Story about Reagan's Neshoba County Fair Visit?" HNN, 12 November; and Bob Herbert,"Righting Reagan's Wrongs," NYT, 13 November. Crespino, btw, is the author of In Search of Another Country: Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution (Princeton, 2007). He'd be likely to know the answer to his title's question.

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