Blogs > Liberty and Power > Who is Responsible for Those Four Deaths?

Apr 3, 2004

Who is Responsible for Those Four Deaths?

Maybe the reason Tammy Bruce and Bill O’Reilly want to “raze” Fallujah (see David Beito’s post directly below) is because they are having difficulty dealing with their own responsibility for the deaths of those four Americans. Since there are no weapons of mass destruction and no credible proof that Hussein had anything to do with 9-11, there is no real reason that those four should have been there in the first place. Nevertheless they were there, why? I say they died in large part because of the mindless jingoism espoused by the likes of Bruce and O’Reilly. People in this country are constantly advocating that the government take some kind of action, but they never want to take any responsibility for the results of the actions that they advocate.

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Josh S Narins - 4/6/2004

In fact, the toughest job the left has now is getting the right to come to grips with this lack of self-reflection.

And to come to grips with its own role in the sanctions, which, again, were for weapons which did not exist.

Jonathan Dresner - 4/3/2004

Indeed. I think we need to make the point loudly and often that the people who opposed precipitous action should be the ones who can say "told 'ya"; and the ones who cheerled us into the war should be quietly reevaluating their priorities. But no. All you have to do is read Klinghoffer, for a fine example of someone whose mind was made up from the start, who doesn't care about what the evidence says, and really couldn't care less about the difficulties and problems from here on out. The job was done, and that is an unalloyed good.

Gus diZerega - 4/3/2004

The title of my comment says it all - very well said.