Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bruce and O'Reilly: Advance to Barbarism

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David T. Beito - 4/3/2004

Unfortunately, this was predictable. All too many conservatives have reacted to the mounting evidence of a quagmire (they were warned!) by adopting a simplistic hard-line approach. I had hoped that at least a few would see the following of getting in even deeper. Perhaps Fred Barnes is heading in this direction.

Tex MacRae - 4/2/2004

Good lord! I'm sorry I read that Bruce link. She must be a FReeptard. As for O'Reilly, Atrios transcribed a bit of dialogue of his yesterday that suggested a "final solution."
I think the "conservatives" have begun to believe Ariel Sharon and the IDF's BS.

Nanny-Staters on steroids, delivering atomic spankings to the misbehaving toddlers of the world.

Jonathan Dresner - 4/2/2004

Bruce has us dropping three atomic bombs on Japan.

She also has us rushing into WWII with guns blazing, when FDR had to drag us, kicking and screaming, until Pearl Harbor.

Ain't revisionism grand?