Blogs > Liberty and Power > Anarcho-Puffery!

Nov 8, 2007


[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

Click here to see Doug Den Uyl’s blurb for the forthcoming anthology Anarchism/Minarchism that I edited with Tibor Machan. Click here to see an anonymous blurb for Aeon Skoble’s forthcoming book Deleting the State. Click here to see my own blurb for Crispin Sartwell’s forthcoming book Against the State. And click here for an advance preview (as opposed to, um, some other kind of preview) of Sartwell’s manuscript itself.

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More Comments:

Roderick T. Long - 11/8/2007

I was just struck by the fact that four of the ten contributors to the Anarchism/Minarchism volume have some connection to the Auburn Philosophy Department. I teach here; Tibor Machan and Aeon Skoble used to teach here; and Charles Johnson was an undergraduate major here. Auburn conquers the world!