Blogs > Cliopatria > Saturday Notes

Oct 27, 2007

Saturday Notes

Kathryn Hughes,"Lillies and Limps," Guardian, 20 October, reviews Anke Bernau's Virgins: A Cultural History.

Joan Smith for the London Times, 12 October; and Viv Groskop,"How do they still get away with it?" Guardian, 14 October, review Joanna Bourke, Rape: A History from 1860 to the Present. Hat tip.

David Bernstein and Eric Muller (and scroll down) debate Bernstein's revisionist claims about the McCarthy era. Ron Radosh,"Roll Out the Red Carpet," NY Sun, 24 October, offers some revisionism of his own.

At Crooked Timber, Henry Farrell reproduces three maps of the 2004 presidential election that indicate what would have been the result if a) only poor people had voted; b) only middle income people had voted; and c) only wealthy people had voted. The American electorate is still firmly middle class.

Thomas Bartlett,"Footnoted Q&A," CHE, 26 October, interviews The Volokh Conspiracy's Eugene Volokh.

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