Blogs > Cliopatria > Calling Historians of South Asia and Other Interested Parties

Oct 22, 2007

Calling Historians of South Asia and Other Interested Parties

Via Sanjay Joshi comes this call for participation at the AHA 2008:

This is to invite historians of South Asia to attend the inaugural meeting of the South Asia Caucus of the AHA on Friday, January 4, 2008 at 4:45 in Marriott Wardman Park (hdqtrs.), Room 8222 (lobby level). We hope this meeting will be the start of something new for the AHA and for historians of the region. We aim to make South Asian history more of a presence at the AHA by organizing regular South Asian events at the annual meetings. We look forward to hearing other ideas from those who come to the caucus meeting. The agenda will be broad, and will include a discussion of the scope and objectives of the proposed new group. Please spread the word to interested colleagues and students. We need the largest possible turnout at the AHA to make this venture a success. We would also like to draw your attention to two related events to be held at the AHA:

1. “Crossing Borders with South Asian Historiography: A Roundtable Discussion” sponsored by the Conference on Asian History, featuring Sumit Guha, Madhavi Kale, David Ludden, Cynthia Talbot,, Anand Yang, with Jeffrey Wasserstrom as commentator, and Sanjay Joshi, Chair.Saturday, January 5, 2008, 9:00-11:00 a.m. Marriott Wadman Park (hdqtrs.), Virginia Suite C, Mezzanine Level

2. The Conference on Asian History lunch meeting on Friday, January 4th at noon, which features a talk by Professor Anand A. Yang, Director of the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington. Friday, January 4th at 12:15 in the McKinley Room at the Marriott.

Sanjay Joshi, Chair, South Asia Caucus, 2007-08

Mridu Rai, Chair, 2008-09

In other AHA news, a Cliopatria-affiliated panel is also planned. Our co-panelist, NDR has already started ruminating and I hope to post the raw-materials of my talk on the blog very soon.

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