Blogs > Cliopatria > Friday Notes

Oct 19, 2007

Friday Notes

October's AHA Perspectives, anticipating January's convention, is online and AHA Today hits the highlights. The major piece they miss and the convention program will miss is that the Cliopatricians will gather for our Fifth Annual Banquet during January's convention. (Here are pictures from our second and fourth banquets.) There, we'll celebrate the growth and quality of the history blogosphere by announcing the winners of the Cliopatria Awards, 2007. ClioWeb's Jeremy Boggs is creating the annual award's logo; and committees of judges are being assembled. On 1 November here at Cliopatria, we'll open nominations for six categories of awards. Nominations will remain open throughout November. If you need prompts to think about nominations, consult Cliopatria's History Blogroll and/or the History Carnivals. Nominations close on 30 November and the judges will reach their decisions during December.

Joseph Lelyveld,"The Adventures of Arthur," NYRB, 8 November, reviews Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Journals, 1952-2000.

Sepoy,"The Return of the Native," Chapati Mystery, 18 October, puts us in touch with the tragic bombing in Karachi.

Say it and pass it along:"Islamophobofascism." From Scott McLemee to Henry Farrell to Andrew Sullivan to Newsvine, and (...). Next, we teach David Horowitz to say"Islamophobofascism Awareness Week." It's coming to a college or university campus near you.

Finally, heard enough about Duke lacrosse, KC Johnson, Innocent Until Proven Guilty, Durham-in-Wonderland, etc.? Try Mel & Al's Bull City-in-Wonderland:

A Blog Novel about the infamous Duke Polo Pony Bestiality Case. Three falsely accused student-athletes are declared innocent of sex crimes using DNA evidence the D.A. tried to hide. Racial politics, strippers and political incorrectness collide with a flawed judicial system to serve up a heap of Bull City injustice. If you thought you knew the sports and criminal justice story of the century, think again."Truthification of reality cloaked in fiction rocks!" Stephen Colbert-Not

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