Blogs > Liberty and Power > A New Spring to Our Step: "Libertarians Rising" and A Question for the Paul Skeptics

Oct 19, 2007

A New Spring to Our Step: "Libertarians Rising" and A Question for the Paul Skeptics

No so long ago, I had thought that libertarianism was doomed to a long period of retrenchment and low expectations. But now many of us have a new spring in our step and renewed hopes about changing the world.

At no time in my memory have so many young people been drawn to our message. Michael Kinsley comments on this trend in a lengthy article in Time, "Libertarians Rising." Would Time or Newsweek have bothered to run such an upbeat and serious article about libertarianism even two months ago? Perhaps the libertarian Paul skeptics at Liberty and Power and elsewhere can address this question

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Anthony Gregory - 10/19/2007

Well, his federal position on immigration isn't bad from a libertarian standpoint, and his position on immigration seems somewhat nuanced.

David T. Beito - 10/19/2007

For what it is worth, in my experience very few of the Paul supporters agree with him on immigration or abortion (though most seem happy to let the states decide). In some ways, this can be taken as bad news because Ron will probably need support from those elements to make a good showing.

Anthony Gregory - 10/19/2007

It is obvious to me that the Ron Paul movement is a huge blessing to libertarianism. It is bringing in young people in a way nothing else has as long as I've been paying attention. This dwarfs any problems with Ron's perceived deviations on issues or the problems with political activism, since these people are mostly interested in freedom and we have the theorists to help guide them and radicalize them and educate them to make them hardcore libertarian thinkers and activists for the next generation or two.