Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Oct 16, 2007

More Noted Things

Congratulations to our colleague, Rachel Leow, who received her MPhil at the University of Cambridge on Sunday.

Maps of War's History of Religion features flashy technology, but sketchy detail. Jainism, Shintoism, Taoism and many indigenous religions are not included, but what do you expect of 5000 years of religion in 90 seconds? Thanks to Manan Ahmed for the tip.

The new Common-place is up. Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on"How Betsey Ross Became Famous," David Shields on the quest for the proper cure of an American ham, Tim Roberts compares Turkish and American history by analogy, Allan Kulikoff on web resources for early American history, reviews, and more.

David J. Garrow,"Reading Clarence Thomas," Legal Times, 15 October, reviews Associate Justice Clarence Thomas's My Grandfather's Son.

David Glenn,"The (Josh) Marshall Plan," CJR, September/October, sees in Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo a glimpse at journalism's future.

Stanley Fish,"Yet Once More: Political Correctness on Campus," NYT: Think Again, 14 October, reviews Evan Coyne Maloney's film,"Indoctrinate U." He concludes:

... so long as there are those who confuse advocacy with teaching, and so long as faculty colleagues and university administrators look the other way, the academy invites the criticism it receives in this documentary. In 1915, the American Association of University Professors warned that if we didn't clean up our own shop, external constituencies, with motives more political than educational, would step in and do it for us. Now they're doing it in the movies and it's our own fault.

Finally, Cliopatria sends condolences and best wishes to her friend, David Noon. His father, Orrin James Noon, Jr., died early yesterday. At Axis of Evel Knieval and Lawyers, Guns, and Money, David gives us a beautiful tribute to his memory.

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David H. Noon - 10/16/2007

Thanks, Ralph, for giving folks the chance to read about my father.... He knew that I told stories about him in my classes, but I wish he'd been able to see the kind words that have been written today by people who never knew him.