Week of Oct. 15, 2007
Up Front

In Memory of Roy Rosenzweig (1950-2007) Bonnie Goodman
History Buzz Bonnie Goodman
News at Home
Why Al Gore Shouldn't Think of Running for President Even Now Gil Troy
Why GM's New Healthcare Deal Just Might Work John E. Murray
Why It's Facile to Say the Way to Stop Discrimination Is to Stop Discriminating Frederick A. O. Schwarz and Aziz Z. Huq
Weimar America? Eric D. Weitz
News Abroad
Zionism's Bleak Present Daniel Pipes
Who Lost Turkey? Juan Cole
Historians & History
The Armenian Resolution: Pure Grandstanding Timothy R. Furnish
The Most Important Moment in American History Thomas Fleming
Archeology and the Propaganda War Against Israel Richard L. Cravatts
Burns's War ... What Is It Good For? Eric Alterman
History Q & A
Does the Presidential Candidate with the Most Money Usually Become the Party Nominee? Rick Shenkman
Review of Michael W. Kauffman's American Brutus: John Wilkes Booth and the Lincoln Conspiracies Matthew D. Norman
Review of Andrew Ferguson's Land of Lincoln: Adventures in Abe's America David Forsmark